
Wednesday, October 3, 2012


For some time I've seen the wordless Wednesday posts on other blogs and I thought, "self?" and self said "huh," "do we take enough pictures for such a thing..." Well self and me agree who cares. So below is my interpretation of Wordless Wednesday...

The sunset on the lake, calming

Driving and the sunlight through the clouds reminds me that things Always get better.

Every anniversary we write vows and read them to one another.

I do because I can. Making the little lady shoes all her own.

Throw this song on and you're guaranteed to want to dance, but no dancing required. lol

What are some of your wordless Wednesday photos??


  1. haha you sound like me with the "Self" talk. lol I like that you did her shoes and write new vows. awww. I haven't done that in a while but there are some on my blog labeled.

  2. These are beautiful photos. And I love the fact that you and your husband write vows to each other each year! That is something I would love to try in my marriage.

    and Touch It still makes me dance just like it's brand new!
